Touch With A Heart

Cancer, Palliative Care and Hospice Massage


I have advanced education in the following areas and will design a session to meet your very specific and important needs. A notebook is available at my location that displays all of my advanced education and training certificates.

ONCOLOGY MASSAGE  I am a professional member of Society for Oncology Massage having completed their requirements for case study and education.  My teacher's include our industry's best: Gayle MacDonald and Cheryl Chapman.  In addition, I have self study from other leaders in this field.  I volunteer at a chemo infusion center on a weekly basis giving massage to the patients as they receive their chemotherapy.  On this website, look under Steamy Wonder and Aromatherapy headings for special oncology information.  I have a web listing under the Society for Oncology go to and look under therapists.  Click on my photo for details of my specialized education.  In addition, I have a detailed brochure available upon request.

MASTECTOMY and BREAST SURGERIES  I have learned specific techniques in working with scar tissue in the chest area.  Scars can be debilitating and massage/hydrotherapy does help.  Plus it improves healing and feels "opening" to have the chest area massaged with love, tenderness, and caring touch.  Massage may reduce post mastectomy edema, swelling, and discomfort.

Massage before breast surgery is the best preventative measure you can do for yourself.  It will help with recovery and with the rehabilitation.  Also, it can be important for lymphedema management.

If you are having breast reconstruction with tissue expanders you will benefit greatly from massage once the incision is healed and the permanent implant is in place.

Please request the brochure I made especially for you.

HEALTHY BREAST MASSAGE   A good time for healthy breast massage is before or after a mammogram as it can reduce breast trauma. Daily self breast massage is very important and I will be happy to show you the easiest ways for self massage.

Cheryl Chapman,RN is a pioneer in massage for Cancer and Mastectomy.  She was my mentor/teacher and inspiration for my massage work. Please visit her website and watch her videos.  Also read the testimonials.  I carry the Herbal Touch Healing salve that she formulated. Her little book entitled The Happy Breast Book is beautiful and the artistic renditions of happy breast are comical.

FIBROCYSTIC BREAST CONDITION (painful, lumpy breast)  I am a certified manual lymph drainage therapist (Klose training) and lymph drainage massage may be very helpful for this condition. The lymph drainage massage may reduce breast sensitivity, breast pain, and reduce bumpy areas. Weekly sessions work best in the beginning.

HOSPICE and PALLIATIVE CARE   There are many gifts that massage may offer during this transition and these may include: serenity, calmness, relief from pain, more restful sleep, and the ability to cope more others.  Additional information available in my brochure. Currently, I work as a volunteer with Avera Hospice.

TOUCH WITH OILS HAND MASSAGE   A very special lady named Candace developed this sensitive and compassionate hand massage.  It is full of reverence and is profoundly relaxing. There may be a time in your life when you do not want or are not able to receive touch on your body.  This is the perfect answer to having healing touch.     




Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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