Touch With A Heart


As a child, I was lucky enough to be free to explore a rural Kansas farm. My Mother loved rocks and she had a collection of large stones and small boulders that she embedded in cement on the top of the cellar. Before I was born, when Mom and Dad went on vacation Dad always had to plan and allow room for Mom to cart home her treasures of stones and rocks.

In Richfield, MN is one of the neatest, quaint rock filled shops with specimens from around the world.The shop is always busy. Rocks seem to provide us with a connection to the earth and simpler times.

In Montrose, Colorado I was able to study four delightful days with a spiritual shaman and another lover of rocks. I studied the hot stone massage technique known as LaStone. The stones used are either heated basalt or cold marble. I have beautiful marble stones used for cold stone therapy mined from the mountains of Colorado. These are perfect for headaches as the cold stones are applied all over the face producing quick relief.  In LaStone training the stones are given a name...The Stone Clan. The basalt stones that I care for and use for massage have been with me over 15 years and I am honored to have their guidance and minerals. LaStone provides specialized training for both the body and the face and I am certified in both.

In Minnesota, I have been fortunate to visit Lake Superior and a few of the basalt stones are from this area. Just think of the memories these stones possess?

As you can see by the photo, I have amassed precious polished stones that I may use during massage. Some can be heated or cooled and placed on the body. Others may be used as a chakra balancer. Some of the stones include: Petoskey from Michigan, labradorite, quartz crystals many with rainbows, carnelian, rose quartz, amethyst, and many more. They are on display throughout the massage room to enhance your session and grace the space.

Himalayan Salt Lamps are also dispersed throughout the room. The high quality, hand mined crystal salt lamps are used to cleanse the space and ionize the air. In addition, "crystal lamps emit therapeutic electromagnetic wavelengths of colors known to positively impact our body and mind" says Dr. Hendel a Himalayan salt expert. For example, orange has a positive effect on nerves and brown is centering. Salt lamps are the only source of light in the massage space allowing for the healing qualities of this ambient color.  I now have 29 Himalayan Crystal Salt lamps in the massage space.  The lit bulb warms the crystals, which increase the release of healthful negative ions to improve the quality and freshness of the indoor air and the overall ambience for you to enjoy.




Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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