Touch With A Heart

Tuning Forks, Singing Bowls, Crystals, Color Therapy


Balance in the immune system depends on our ability to manage stress and to handle negative emotions in a healthy way. A very large percentage of our illness is directly related to our inability to cope with stress.(illness, death of loved ones, divorce, surgery, jobs, moving, financial, etc.) With that in mind, anything we can do to bring our body back to homeostasis or back to balance is vitally important.

I have always had an interest in sound because of its ability to actively influence our holistic self. I am not a musician nor do I possess the ability to utter a note in tune so I explored other options. The sacred ancient instruments of singing bowls and tuning forks are the tools I continue to explore.

"The sound of music, tuning forks, singing bowls and other sacred instruments can influence the mind through a kind of synchronized resonation." Gaynor, M.D.

During your session sound maybe used to harmoniously move you through several stages of consciousness:from the actively engaged alpha state, to a more inwardly focused beta state into theta which is a state bordering between sleep and wakefulness. Theta can be associated with profound levels of relaxation. If we allow this healing space, a state of deep quietness may happen. It has been the experience of many practitioners of sound healing, that appropriate sound can bring one to a state of deep calmness, inner peace and tranquility.

In any given session, I may use some or all of these aides to assist you in achieving the results you desire: tuning forks, singing bowls, color, specifically created CD's, crystals, and stones.

TUNING FORKS: Tuning forks come in two types...forks that can be used directly on the body and forks that are used above the body and/or close to the ears. They work in multiple ways and sometimes these are rather complex to explain. In general, the use of tuning forks can entrain the brainwaves to a more grounded, ordered state. Tuning forks can also dissolve blocks of the physical or mental kind, release debris that maybe trapped, help the body to relax deeper, and move us out of the chatter we all experience in our mind. If you've tried to meditate you know what I mean by noisy mind chatter. Tuning forks can be placed directly on a dense, tight muscle,and the vibrations of the fork communicate to the muscle aiding it to release. Or the forks can be used in areas of acute pain and tension with resulting reduction in pain. This can be surprisingly effective.

 There is also a biochemical effect from using the forks related to nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide is one of the smallest molecules found in nature and is fundamental to life. It participates in the healthy function of all organ systems. Today, nitrous oxide is a large area of cardiovascular research. When the lining of the vascular system is healthy it "puffs" nitrous oxide helping to keep the vessels elastic and pliable. A special tuning fork used on the body may assist in nitrous oxide puffing.

Have you heard of the term still point? It is energy without form or "no-thingness". A still point can be achieved using craniosacral therapy and also using tuning forks. During craniosacral therapy the head can be held in a certain way allowing the rhythm of the cranio fluid to stop briefly and then re-establish itself. Tuning forks work by sound and vibration to achieve this. It is stillness and silence and profound healing.The holy men have known about stillpoint for eons. Some of the benefits that might be received are enhanced creativity, enhanced dreaming, problem solving, and healing from a trauma. I believe it is difficult to be creative without reaching stillness. Also, I believe healing takes place only in stillness or inner silence. For this reason, I encourage a massage without conversation.

I have become a caretaker for many beautiful crystals, many with rainbows. These special crystals can be sung with a crystal tuning fork causing them to vibrate. My teachers say this opens the doorway to the angelic kingdoms. This vibrating crystal can be passed over your chakras or placed on them to balance and harmonize these energy centers.

SINGING BOWLS: These are metal bowls that can be "sung" with a wooden mallet. The bowls are used similar to tuning forks in that they work via sound and vibration. The tuning forks are more laser-like in their application whereas the bowls are broader in application. I love the singing bowls used directly on the body such as along the spine or on the abdomen. When the bowls are applied directly on the body, the sound goes right through....and tightness, pain discomfort melt away.

As much as 70% of our bodies are made of water. When a singing bowl is played close to the body, the vibration from the bowl and the water make a beautiful pattern called a mandala. Cymatics was the work of Dr. Jenny and his work was with sound and vibration. He showed many beautiful patterns that were formed. More current is the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto an Asian scientist. He has produced entire books showing the beautiful crystals formed from sound and music applied to water. What a happy thought that we can influence our bodies so beautifully by sound!

The definition of sound healing as written by Jonathan Goldman...sound healing is the ability of sound to repair aspects of ourselves that are out of alignment and need repair, as well as to restore us to spiritual wholeness. So not only is our nervous system effected through profound relaxation and calmness, but sound also has the ability to enter our cellular structure and rearrange our molecules. (1988 New York Times William Congreve) Sound has the power to heal.

 Singing bowls and tuning forks are deeply relaxing, nourishing, healing, and clearing. May you enjoy these beautiful sound tools.

COLOR THERAPY: Tuning forks, crystals, singing bowls and color all have vibration in common. Color is energy vibration measured in vibrations per second. There is a constant aura of color around us which some people can see. This aura changes according to how you are doing that day. Color is in all created things.Food, vitamins, minerals, medications all have color energy associated with them. Color therapy works by applying color to the body via a lamp that was specially designed for that purpose. It is best applied to the skin not through clothing or a sheet. For example, I like to use the color green after a massage session because it is one of the neutral colors and is considered the master color. It does several things including raising the vibration of the body above the vibration of disease. It is the color of clarity. It is fresh, cool, crisp and cleansing in nature. It is balancing and normalizing. It is the vibrant color of life and growth. For these reasons, green is my color of choice most of the time.

A special thanks and love for my teachers. Those that share their unique talents and knowledge so openly and lovingly I commend and thank. Special teachers that I recognize and thank: Kay Grace of Minnesota. Jonathan Goldman. John Beaulieu. Mitchell Gaynor M.D. Stanley Burroughs.

         Be Still and Ye Shall Know   Twenty Third Psalms


In Silence the teachings are heard; in stillness the world is transformed..  Lao Tzu

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