I have completed specialized training presented by The International Cupping Therapy Association. My highly qualified instructor, Mark Perido is an acupuncturist, an instructor of anatomy and has a private practice in Kansas. I am excited to be able to introduce to you an extraordinarily effective, safe and simple therapy...contemporary negative pressure cupping massage. I am extremely happy to offer this to you because I believe it has tremendous merit as an integrative therapy.
This remarkable therapy uses what is termed negative pressure, rather than the tissue compression that you are familiar with regular massage. This negative pressure is a lifting of the tissues of the body instead of a compression of the body's tissues/muscles. This is accomplished through the use of a variety of proprietary suction cups designed specifically for various parts of the body. This therapy has been used by millions of people worldwide because it is safe, comfortable, and remarkably effective for many health concerns.
Negative pressure massage feels great. The pulling action engages the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing a deep relaxation to move through the entire body. It is not unusual to fall asleep when receiving this treatment. Clients often remark how relaxed, warm and light they feel...hours...and sometimes even days after the session.
How is cupping accomplished? The cup is positioned over the treatment area and a vacuum is created by reducing the pressure inside the cup, therefore stretching the underlying tissues into the cup. You are receiving a lifting of your muscles and tissues rather than the compression you feel with regular massage.
Our bodies are designed to move. Movement has been proven to be a very important criterion for health and wellness. In the book entitled The End of Illness author David Agus, MD discusses exercise/movement in depth and the importance of staying in motion. In this book he states that sitting in excess of 4 hours doubles your risk of dying from or being hospitalized for heart disease. Dr. Agus discovered that the type of activity is not nearly as important as how often you do it and how long you do it with the maximum benefit of 1 hour. Frequency is the key. Stagnation leads to illness. Waste products from our normal biological processes and our lifestyles accumulate in the tissues without movement. When cell waste and toxins stagnant in muscles and joints, it becomes more difficult for the body to get rid of them and if they remain may cause pain and dysfunction. Negative pressure cupping massage proves to be an incredible therapy that provides a safe and effective method to assist the body in releasing and eliminating these waste products. Cupping in addition to assisting with waste removal also supplies the area with fresh, revitalized blood and nutrients.
When cupping is given in a treatment series, the results are cumulative. But even in a single treatment, a long term problem maybe resolved.
If you have questions about a particular problem and whether massage cupping may work, please call so we may discuss your circumstances together. Also, you may find it helpful to research www.cuppingtherapy.com
I completed advanced training using the VacuTherapy Cupping Machine. This machine has the ability to offer many ways to specialize the session for you. It can offer very soothing gentle cupping, a suction and release cupping or more firm cupping depending upon the settings.I made an investment in this machine to be able to offer you its many benefits.
Please request a brochure for more information.
Arthritis:stiffness and pain relief
back pain
carpal tunnel difficulties
circulatory problems
skin problems
abdominal gas
pre and post surgery
blood pressure
insomnia, facilitates restorative sleep
leg cramps
menstrual cramps
chronic pain relief
neck and shoulder pain
stiffness in joints
reduce fluid retention
promote mental acuity
promotes detoxification
jaw discomfort
tennis and golfers elbow
general discomfort and muscular spasms
trigger points
increase your energy
balance the body, mind and spirit
restore muscular function
relieve physical and emotional strain
sinus problems